Bank Differently. Get Rewarded.
A CHECKING ACCOUNT THAT PAYS YOU BACK AS YOU SPEND. Interested in getting up to $500 a year back in your pocket? That is what a 5% Reward Checking Account can do for YOU.
Reward Checking
FREE Mobile Wallet that includes Apple Pay, Samsung Pay, and Google Pay
Free courtesy pay
Free overdraft protection (auto transfer from another account)
Free mobile banking
Free remote check deposit
Free home banking
Free e-Statements
Free Buzz Bill Pay
Free contactless debit card
Earn 5% on balances up to $10,000
No NSF fee on any transactions under $10
Get paid up to two days early with our early deposit feature*
Minimum $100 balance to start earning dividends. No fee if it goes below $100
Dividends are paid monthly and are calculated on an average daily balance
Must be signed up for home banking, e-Statements, have at least one direct deposit/payroll deduction of at least $100 per month, and use your debit card (Point of Sale/POS) at least 10 times per month. (Each transaction must be at least $10)