Luzerne County FCU has successfully merged into CityMark! You can now use all of our locations and start updating your account information with third paties.
Our Routing number - 231386894
Office Hours
CourtHouse Office
Monday: 9:00-4:30
Thursday: 9:00-4:30
Friday: 9:00-4:30
Penn Place Office
Monday: 9:00-4:30
Tuesday: 10:00-4:30
Wednesday: 9:00-4:30
Thursday: 9:00-4:30
Friday: 9:00-4:30
See our other branch locations.
Contact US:
Phone: 570.826.8244
Fax: 570.285.4950
Some things we need from our new Luzerne County Members:
Email address (needed to access homebanking)
Updated phone numbers and addresses
You can update your information on the form below:
Some Imortant Info:
Debit Card
If you can not activate your new card, please call our office at 570.826.8244. We need to update your information.
You can use your checks until 3/31/2025. If you want a FREE box of checks, please use the form below.
Frequently Asked Questions?
Make sure to put the “88” in front of your old Luzerne County Account number. We may not have your email address that is needed to access HomeBanking. Use the form below to update your information.
Yes. You can use them until 3/31/2025. If you do use an old check after the merger date, the image will not show in homebanking. If you would like to order a box of new checks, please fill out the form below and return it to our office. We will provide one box of FREE checks.
Yes. We will still receive your direct deposits. However, we advise you to contact your employer and give them your new account information. We will electronically notify them of your new information, but they do not always receive or change them without your direct persmission.
Yes. Your new “MICR” number will be your base account number plus zeros in front to get to 10 digits. For example. If your account number is 881000, your MICR number would be “0000881000”.
Yes. CityMark will be sending out notifications for all ACH deposits of the change. However, they are not always received or processed by your employer or external company. The best idea is to give your employer your new account information.
Yes, CityMark will transfer any deductions and/or automatic transfers over to your new account.